Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I know everything...well almost everything

I tell Anna that I know everything.  She used to believe me. 

Brad and I had made a pact saying that we would try our best not to lie to our children.  The majority of the time we follow through on this pact.  However, I may push the limit sometimes like when I tell Anna I know everything.  It all started right after she turned four. She would go get a snack of say chocolate covered almonds.  When she came to where I was I would ask how the chocolate covered almonds were.  She was amazed that I knew what she had eaten (I'm psychic!  JK...just watch too much Psych.  She would have chocolate smears on her face).  Or she would read a book in her room and not notice that I peeked in and saw what book she was reading.  I might come by later and ask how the book was.  She had no clue how I knew.  We decided that I was supermom that knew everything.  As the year went on she unfortunately got smarter.  She caught on to the fact that I was BSing some answers.  To try and trap me she would ask questions like "What is Daddy doing right now?"  I would make up an answer and she would leave me alone.  Now when she asks me a question and I don't know the answer she replies with "I thought you knew everything mom."  Little sass she is.  I finally had to admit that I know most everything with a few exceptions.

Yesterday Anna and I were sitting in my closet as I was organizing a drawer.  I asked what she wanted to talk about and she replied with "everything that I don't know".  I had a sinking feeling that I would know none of the answers.  For those of you that don't know questions my daughter asks here are some examples of previous questions : "do octopus have tongues?" "do snakes drink water?" "how is glass made?".  She asked a few questions then Matthew woke up and she went to play with him so I was off the hook without really answering a single question. 

She is a smart little cookie and if I do admit that I don't know the answer to something she makes us go look it up on the internet. 

I think there is still a glimmer of believing that Mama knows most everything and I will cling to the glimmer for a while.  I don't know when she will turn and believe that I know nothing, but hopefully she waits at least til the day after tomorrow.


  1. i'm pretty sure i was about 8 when i figured out my mom didn't know everything. and by the time i was 12, she knew absolutely nothing...then i was around 20 when i decided she knew most everything, and what she didn't know, she'd figure out...what a smart girl you have on your hands! i like her questions. and you might as well keep telling her you know everything. ;) can't hurt, right?!

  2. Oh if only they stayed thinking we knew "everything"! Good thing is that everyone says sooner or later they begin to think we are wise again when they get older. :)
