Thursday, October 13, 2011

God winks

So I wasted about an hour writing and re-writing trying to come up with something to blog about.  When I decided to start blogging I promised myself to make it a priority to blog once a week.  It is now Thursday and I haven't come up with one interesting thing. Oh, there are several things that I eventually want to blog about but don't have enough of a passion about it right now.  Back to today...after wasting that hour I decided that I needed to accomplish something since my house is a disaster zone that is filthy and I also can't park my car in the garage yet because it still has stuff that needs to be put away from when we got new carpet.  So I get off the computer and go at least out to the garage to stare at what needs to be done.  As I finally pick a project to work on getting back in place I get this nagging feeling that I need to search some more for my phone charger that I lost a week ago. (side note....I lose things constantly and tend to leave things wherever I last was) I scour the garage to no avail.  I look at the shelf above the sink where I stick most everything else and no luck there either.  I look some more in the garage.  May I tell you that I have been doing this for the last few days (and needed to find it since my phone died and I have been borrowing Brads).  A little voice in my head keeps telling me "look on the table".  Anyone who knows me knows that my table is the biggest shelf that we own and right now the shelf is piled extraordinarly high.  I sigh and lift up a paper. I had been looking for a book on the table just this morning and didn't see a phone charger.  I lift one piece of paper and what do you know, there lays my phone charger.  I classify this as a God wink. (I may have forgot to mention that I prayed last night for some help in finding my charger)
My grandma is the one that led me to God winks.  They are those times when you can see or feel in those little ways that God loves you and wants to show you He cares for you. A few of recent God winks....I couldn't find my zoo cards and we were going to the zoo the next day.  As I am trying to go to bed a thought enters my brain that they are in the stroller compartment.  I would have never thought to look there.  When we were searching for churches we went to LCC for the first time.  I was struggling with something and the topic of the sermon that day was exactly what I needed to hear to help me.  God winks can be when a person says or does something for you.  It can be a beautiful sunset or a rainy day.  It can be finding your favorite book on sale in a book sale.  It can be so many things.  The most important thing is that you stop and say "Thanks God".  here's to looking foward to the next time I see a God wink.

1 comment:

  1. I love God winks! Glad you found your charger! Glad someone other than my loses their stuff all the time too! ;) <<< (that is a Summer wink, I laugh at my funniness)
