Monday, October 17, 2011

8 months!

Yesterday, Oct. 16th, Matthew turned 8 months.  I can't believe how quickly the time goes.  At times it seems like he has been a baby for a long time.  I don't say this in a negative light as I enjoy him being a baby and this time around I am treasuring the time of him being little.  I thought in this blog I would write down what things Matthew has been up to in the last month.
~He has discovered how to open and close the cabinet doors.  So far there have been no pinches nor has he pulled out objects in the cabinets.
~He discovered that toilet paper unrolls
~Matthew is now able to walk around while holding onto furniture
~When we are eating, Matthew thinks he should be eating too. Many Graduates have been consumed.  Mone't tried Cheerios again and discovered the enjoys those as well.
~Went to his first state fair
~Went to the circus for the first time....story with that is when he saw the tigers he signed (at least we think he did) dog.  we may need to work on our animals :P  he enjoyed watching the animals.
~Consumed many tiny objects off the floor
~Threw a few fits over not getting his way or things being taken from him
~Trained mom that sleeping on or with her is much better than sleeping in the crib in the wee hours of the morning or during part of our afternoon nap.  Give me a break, I like sleep and I want him to sleep so it works.  Not that I condone this behavior, but it happens.
~Cracks himself up.  He will do something then just giggle and giggle which of course means that we all giggle too :)
~Went and stays at the church nusery and loves Miss Tami!
~Got 4 new teeth
~This month was full of rashes, worries, and creams.  I declare that Wednesday's child of woe is gone and blessings will take over in the area of health.
~Matthew is a little ham.  He likes to "play tricks" especially while eating
~Knows how to get down the correct way with feet first and will 50% of the time.  Mostly we thing going head first is way more fun!
~He loves music and started to sing along. (although we don't care for mom's singing.  mom was singing to him while he was eating and he started to cry.  mom stopped singing and we were fine)

I know that there are so many other things he does that I'm missing. Matthew is a wonderful little boy and I can't wait to see what the next month entails!

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