Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blogging....something I never thought I would do

A few weeks ago my mom and Brad mentioned that they thought I would be a good blogger.  I laughed at thought and commented that if I ever did a blog (which I didn't think I ever would) that I would call it "In a JAMB" (joy, anna, matthew, and brad).  After the conversation I dismissed the idea until my mom and I had a conversation while they were here for Anna's birthday.  We were talking about how I regret not making baby food for Anna when she was a baby but have loved doing it for Matthew.  That led to what will I regret not doing 5 years from now with Matthew and/or Anna.  One of my biggest regrets is that I never wrote down their antics and stories.  I hate that feeling when one of them does or says something hilarious and I go to tell someone about it and for the life of me can't remember what they said or did.  So, basically this blog is designed to be a catalog or my kid's life with some of my thoughts and opinons thrown in.  And we all know that I have an opinion about everything.  Don't be expecting great English, good spelling, or even complete thoughts.  I am dsylexic and it often comes out when I write. Also, some of the blogs that I read are great about giving you decorating ideas (love it rachelle!) or crafty ideas (yay Kelly!), but alas I'm not good at those things or have that many great ideas to pass on.  I can only give you what I like reading about best....what is happening in life.

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