Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

One of the dumbest things ever is New Year's Resolutions.  I have a tendency to roll my eyes whenever I think or read about them and get a chuckle when I see deals for money off gym memberships or excercise equipment on sale.  I remember sitting down to write resolutions when I was younger.  I think my pessimism probably comes from my lack of follow through and from watching those around my fail.  However, I am in full support of looking back on the previous year and reflecting on the good and bad and meditating on what you would like to see in your year to come so I guess they are somewhat necessary.  In some psycho babble book that I've read, they said if you can imagine it, you can make it happen *here's me imaging millions of dollars and a clean house*.  Although I think that it isn't true, I do see the value of putting it in place for the smaller things of life.  So here are a few positives of the last year and some, shall we say, goals for this year.

1) Obviously Matthew Robert entering our lives was amazing.
2) I'm so thankful that homeschooling Anna has gone well.  She was begging to start school this week and I think that says something if it is 4.5 months after we started and she still likes it.  I also love watching her take off in reading and observing her be so brilliant :P
3) I'm glad we have found some good friends.
4) I love that we took a family vacation!
5) New carpet, chair, and couch we firsts for us.  It is OK for us to spend money on ourselves and we deserve it (big realization for me...dumb I know....I think that I still live in the mentality of a college student)
6) I'm so appreciative my family.
7) I love that we have a relationship with the library ladies.  It is nice to feel loved by complete strangers.

1) Do more family activities other than watching TV.  Two family vacations this year.  Austin here we come!
2) Get back into excercising. I'm not saying a can be just being more consistent with walking around our neighborhood or going for bike rides. 
3) Making Anna/mama dates more frequent.
4) Finding something new that Brad and I enjoy doing.
5) Trying even more new, delicious recipes!  That may help #2 to happen :P
6) Think about doing something social.
7) Keeping things a little more picked up around the house.

I have complete confidence that these will take place.  Well, let's be honest, #6  and #7 aren't really a priority nor will they likely happen, but let's take baby steps here. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your list! And WHATEVER! You are totally becoming more social!

    Happy New Year! So glad I have you as a friend! :)
