Monday, December 31, 2012

Speak into being

With the many hours of traveling that Brad and I have done over the last two weeks, we have had plenty of time to sit down an make goals for 2013.  The list is long, includes "to be done by" dates, and has created quite a few projects for our family.  In making the list it reminded me of something that I wholeheartedly believe. 

I believe that you can speak things into being.  Can I speak everything on my list into being?  No, I probably won't even be able to do half of it (see, I'm speaking something into being there...oops).  Can I speak some of into being.....I believe so. 

One of the biggest areas I see speaking things into being is with relationships.  I can look at my darling Matthew who is about to turn two.  I can look at him and say "Oh boy.  We are entering into the terrible twos.  I can't wait for this trying time to be over.  You are going to be a mess."  I pretty much just said that he is going to be horrible and I'm not going to enjoy it.  Well, if I say that then I probably have that attitude and it probably won't be great.  However, I could look at this little boy and say "We are going to go through some trials, but I will love you through them all.  You will develop new skills and learn so much about becoming your own little person.  I will enjoy growing with you."  I admitted that there will be some trying times, but I chose to look at it with a positive outlook and by doing that I am proclaiming that it will be good.  If every time I get discouraged I quickly remind myself about my attitude then I can make the best of the situation.  The same goes with my relationship with Anna, Brad, and whoever else or whatever else I'm involved with.

I think we would be amazed at what we speak into being.  For the positive and the negative.  I wonder how our outlook would change if we focused on what we spoke into being.  As 2013 quickly approaches, I am announcing that I will do my best to speak blessings over my household and all those that my life comes in contact with.  I will speak good things into being.  When I fail, I will learn and try again.  Bring it on!

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