Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My new hippie love: homemade cleaner

Brad often accuses me of being a hippie.  Yes, I admit that I do have many hippie tendencies that I'm quite proud of.  In college, my best friend Jess got me started on recycling and it has just progressed since then.  My newest form of hippism is making my own cleaner.

I have been wanting to make my own cleaner for while now.  I have looked up many recipes and have a few pinned on Pinterest.  However, I just couldn't make myself try any of them.  What if they didn't do as good of a job?  Really, can vinegar, baking soda, cream of tartar, and hydrogen peroxide do what they claim to do?  The last time I was at the store I told myself that it was the last time I was going to buy a commercial multi-purpose cleaner.  I really hate the smells of cleaner and when I clean I like to not have my children around so they aren't breathing the chemicals in.  And I hate breathing the chemicals in.  On top of those complaints, I haven't been entirely happy with recent brands I have been trying of cleaners.

While I was gone, Brad finished off my bottle of bathroom cleaner.  I decided that tonight I was breaking down and making my mixture of vinegar, water, and dish soap bathroom cleaner.  First, I have pink dish soap so I was very happy with the color (which is amazing since I used to adhore pink).  I enjoyed that I didn't feel like my esophagus was being chemically burned and best of all I didn't mind that Matthew kept coming in and out of the bathrooms while I was cleaning (well, maybe I minded since he kept getting into everything!!).  The skeptical me was still a little concerned with how the cleaner would work.  And what do you know, it was great!  It got off some marks that my previous bathroom cleaner couldn't get off!!!  I hate to cleaning my house as most of you know, but I tonight I couldn't wait to go clean my second bathroom!  In fact, I can't wait to try out more cleaners and try this one tonight on other things!  Brad is already heard me rave about this cleaner four or five times tonight :P 

I am definitely going to switch to using this cleaner and trying out a few other ones.  I will admit though that I am still going to keep around a few commercial cleaners like Soft Scrub, Pinesol, and one other one that helps with hard water stains.  But goodbye the rest of you commercial cleaners!

1 comment:

  1. you've inspired me to make our own cleaners as well. ;) i'm writing out my list of "ingredients" right now.
